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Summary of

Minutes of JHFS Team Meeting -- 11/12/19


Attendance:  Angela Breton, Bobbie Whitlock, Carol Schatz, Jan Gilman, Karen Donnelly, Kathy Kelly, and Sue Nieto


The minutes of 10/16/19 meeting were approved, with some modifications.  Some additional items that were not covered on 10/16 were discussed as well.


1a. [Our surprise] will be practiced at the Christmas Party.  Kathy to send another reminder to group to sign up with Carol. 


1b. Caroling for 11/30 on Main Street. Jan gave an overview of all the businesses on Main Street.  It was decided that the group would be divided into two and start at opposite sides and opposite ends of Main Street. We will have the Here We Come A-caroling books to use/share. We reviewed the potential songs. Karen and Jan will decide if caroling needs to be cancelled due to weather. We’re scheduled to sing at 11:30 a.m. for about an hour.


1c. Tree lighting – Kathy and Carol will be the contacts for this event. Permits were secured through Rick Peschek  for parking on the Town Hall lot.  Phil, Joyce & Angela will be our shuttlers.  We will sing same time as last year. We will use our regular Christmas songbooks. 


1d.  Lions Club – Bobbie indicated that the Lions Club will be able to give us a donation. Arrive at 7:00 p.m., sing 7:30. This is different from what has been previously announced, so we need to amend this [was not done].  We will perform at the Maryland Golf & Country Club.  Bobbie approved draft of line-up.  We have added John Richardson and his banjo as another special. 



  1. Some changes were made to emcees for rest of November/December.

  2. Line-ups – same as last year for Jan, Angela, Kathy. Jan created a lineup for Joyce. Debbie decided not to emcee. Kathy has already shared lineup with Bob.

  3. No dreidels will be purchased.

  4. Accompanists will be given gift cards of the same amount. Carol will send around an envelope.

  5. We have accompanists for all of our Christmas events.

  6. In her next mailing, Carol will advise our nine non-emailers that they may either get the schedules/notes at a singing event or they can contact Carol for information.Presently, Sue calls all nine when there is a cancellation.She will continue doing this.

  7. Facebook: We discussed ideas of what to post on the Facebook page. Angela will post a monthly list of upcoming dates when we are singing but will not indicate where, unless it’s a public event.

  8. Website – The team had previously decided not to continue the website. Karen was able to update the website so we will no longer pay the approximate $200/year fee. We will continue to have about $15 for domain fee that Karen would cover. The group agreed to see what the website looks like once we’re no longer “premium” and have ads. Then, we’ll revisit discontinuing the website. In the meantime, Karen will continue to update the website.Bobbie will not be involved with the website going forward.

  9. Karen agreed to develop an authorization/release form for members to sign authorizing the use of their pictures on Facebook, the website or for other purposes.She already has one; copy is attached. [This item may be tabled for future discussion.]

  10. Donations – Bobbie suggested we send out a letter or otherwise contact the places we sing to encourage them to provide donations if possible. There are problems with some organizations because we are not 501 (c) (3) non-profits. Last year, we did include a note in Christmas cards to the organizations and received no donations. It was recommended that we revisit requesting donations in the New Year.

  11. Carol indicated that she will no longer maintain the scrapbook after 2019. Kathy will advertise for a volunteer to take it over. People would have to use their own supplies.

  12. We reviewed the baskets Carol has, and have identified which ones to use for next year for: Valentine’s Day, Easter, 4th of July and Thanksgiving.

  13. Carol shared a list of sing-alongs for January – February 2020.The full schedule will be coming soon.

  14. Karen agreed to resurrect the job descriptions and circulate them to the group for potential future use when people rotate in or out of duties.

15.  Our name will be amended to just “Team.” 

16.  Angela will have her ankle surgery on 4/30/20.  She’ll be non-weight bearing for 6 weeks. 


Submitted by Karen Donnelly and Kathy Kelly


Just Having Fun Contacts

JOIN US> We'd love to hear from you. If you can carry a tune, give us a try. Contact Kathy Kelly at or 410-877-7314

Book us> Call Carol Schatz at or


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